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What is a good data science project?

What is a good data science project?

A significant number of newcomers in data science tend to spend a huge amount of time to develop theoretical knowledge and earn certifications only. While theoretical knowledge is certainly required to become a good data science professional, recruiters don’t put much emphasis on certifications only. Instead, they tend to evaluate the potential of a candidate by going through his/her work.

As a data science professional, you may have worked on lots of crucial problems, but if you fail to present them to the recruiters, getting a good job in the field may become even more difficult. And this is exactly where data science projects come to your rescue. They help you demonstrate your data science skills to prospective employers. Therefore, it’s important to pick your data science projects carefully. The process of picking up data science projects can be overwhelming, especially when you’re planning to mention them in your CV. In this post, we’ve outlined five top data science projects to help you in your endeavor.

1- Movie Recommendation Engine

Movie Recommendation Engine data science bootcamp in silicon valley

This is one of the most common data science projects for everyone in the field. Every successful data science professional has developed at least one recommendation engine in the entire career. Personalized recommendation engines are considered highly effective when it comes to demonstrating data science skills.

Problem: To analyze the Movie Lens dataset in order to comprehend patterns and trends that will help the system to recommend new movies to users.

2- Walmart Sales forecasting

Walmart Sales forecasting data science bootcamp in silicon valley

Retail is one of those industries where data science is being used extensively and thus, it’s important to have worked on at least one project related to it. There’re a plethora of tasks including inventory management, product placement, product bundling, customized offers etc are being handled efficiently utilizing different types of data science techniques.

Problem: Predict the department-wise sales of the store.

3- Text Mining

Text Mining data science bootcamp in silicon valley

A text mining project in your portfolio may dramatically improve your chances of being hired as a data science professional. It involves data mining and advanced analytics that can prove your skills as a professional. Text mining is heavily used in social media monitoring as it helps to obtain an overview of a broader public opinion on specific topics.

Problem: Classify a set of documents according to specific labels.

4- Urban Sound Classification

Urban Sound Classification data science bootcamp in silicon valley

This is one of those data science projects that will help you demonstrate skills in machine learning. This project is designed to getting you introduced to audio processing in the context of the usual classification scenario.

Problem: Classify the kind of sound from an audio.

5- Chicago Crime Analysis

Chicago Crime Analysis data science bootcamp in silicon valley

Law enforcement agencies take help of data science techniques to understand the actual reasons behind crimes and thus, to be able to prevent their repetitions. While the problem may seem easy, data management is the key here.

Problem: Predict the type of crime.

Parting Thoughts

Parting Thoughts data science bootcamp in silicon valley

If you’re a complete beginner in the data science field, it’s important to select data science projects with limited variables and data. The above ones may seem a little challenging, but they should be fun to do.

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To learn more about data science, click here and read our another article.